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Goals 2014

*Cue obligatory New Year's Resolution post.

Before I hop in on my goals for 2014, I wanted to write a quick note on goal-setting. Too often when writing goals, we focus on the wrong things, which only sets us up for disappointment. Namely, our goals are often outcome-oriented: I want to run X time or finish in Y place. Sometimes we accomplish these goals, sometimes we don't. The problem with this approach is that it limits the action time to one specific event on one specific day with many factors affecting the outcome that are out of one's immediate control (i.e., weather, competition, course conditions, etc.). We put the focus on the end result, but not on the process to achieve that end result. We hope to improve finishing time or place, but we neglect to specify the method we will use to achieve those results.

Instead, goal-setting should be action-oriented. Focus on the means to reach an end. I know I want to run a certain time, so what are the everyday steps I need to take to improve my fitness to hit that time? An action-oriented goal addresses the process of improving fitness, rather than the end result of a race. I'm a firm believer in the ideal notion that if you put in the appropriate work in the days and months leading up to a race, then the end results will take care of themselves. Racing is the easy part; training is where real fitness gains are made. Goals should address the training process, not the racing result.

That said, all of my goals are oriented towards the 1:05 / 2:18 Olympic Trials standards. What improvements can I make in my training? What are the specific steps I need to take to achieve those times?

Consistent, high mileage training. Looking back, my fastest races were during seasons in which I was running 90-100+ miles per week. In two of those years, I ran a total of 4,000 miles for the entire year (that's an average of 77 mpw). This year, I was closer to 3,200 (avg. 62 mpw). Since college, I've at times gotten lazy and complacent with my training, hitting lower mileage and making excuses to take days and doubles off. To race at the level I expect, that kind of laziness just isn't acceptable. And in running, improvements only come in long term intervals, so consistency is key.

Stretching after every run. I've been lucky to have avoided any major injury in my running career, but every year I'm always dealing with a couple cases of tight muscles that force me to take a couple days or a week off here and there. Heck, I'm just getting over a small case of Runner's Knee that forced me to take a week off. That kind of time off disrupts the whole consistency goal mentioned above. I've gotten away from addressing flexibility since college, but since I have super tight and weak hamstrings that are always getting tweaked, it's something that I need to improve.

Strengthening 2-3 times per week. As much as I hated 7 am lifting in college, it really was a beneficial strengthening program. Like the stretching goal listed above, this one is all about improving my durability so I can handle more consistent training without having to take time off with little nicks and dings. The focus here is especially on core, hamstrings, and glutes, since those are all weak problem areas for me. I'm not trying to get huge, just building up some more durability.

Find training partners to meet up with regularly. I do love Cincinnati and am not looking to leave anytime soon, but one of the downsides of the city is the lack of organized top-level talent. There are the Earthdrummers, but on the men's side most of top runners in the city don't train with them. I know there are really good runners in the city, and there are definitely people who are faster than me, but we just aren't organized to meet up consistently. It makes so much more sense for all of us of similar ability to train together and help each other, rather than continue to slog it out alone. This one might be the most challenging for me, since I'm pretty shy and definitely not very outgoing. So...anyone looking for a training partner? I'll come run with you!

So those are the action goals for 2014. They're all simple things I can focus on every day, but a lot of simple things add up over time. I'm confident these will address many of the issues that have hindered my performance in the past, and I'm really looking for a great year of training and racing in 2014!


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