See what I did there? Called this week's installment "Episode 1"? Like a TV episode? Because I'm writing about TV? Man...clever stuff. I should be writing for television. In all seriousness, this is actually a timely post (along with Episode 2, coming next week), what with the US Olympic trials on NBC these next two weekends. I'd like to say I had it all planned out that way, but let's be honest here...if you've seen my room, you know I'm not nearly organized enough to do that. This week's post, Episode 1, is about TV time slots. Where do track meets fit into time slots on the TV schedule? The short answer: nowhere. Track meets are different than the more mainstream sports (and perhaps that partly why track isn't so mainstream...hence the point of this series). Football games usually last a consistent 3 hours, so a 3 hour time slot is perfect for the NFL. Basketball games last 2-3 hours, so a similar time slot works out well, too. Basebal...
Inside the mind and legs of a sub-elite distance runner