Hey. I'm Tommy Kauffmann. Or Kauffee. Or TK. Or Mr. Kauffmann. I'll answer to pretty much anything.
I'm a history teacher and a wannabe-kinda-sorta-sub-elite-semi-professional-ish distance runner from Cincinnati. I've been running competitively since high school, through college (at Xavier University), and now post-collegiately for Fleet Feet Cincy.
In 2015 I accomplished my four-year goal of qualifying for the '16 US Olympic Marathon Trials, which I contested to less-than-stellar results. But hey, I was there, and that was the main objective.
My new goals are two-fold:
- Get back to the Trials in 2020 and really mix it up with the best in the country.
- Recapture the spirit of America's road racing heyday in the late '70s - early '80s, a no-compromises attitude that I feel has slipped away from the running scene in recent years.
The journey, as they say, is the reward; and this blog is my log of the journey. The ups and downs, lefts and rights, surges and slows...if you want to succeed as a distance runner, you better enjoy the process.
So check it out. Browse around. Stay awhile. And if you're up for it, let's go for a run...I'll always welcome company.
Oh, and because runners identify themselves by their PRs, here are mine:
3000: 8:17*
5000 (track): 14:13*
5k (road): 14:33
8k (xc): 24:41*
10000 (track): 29:28*
10k (road): 30:12
13.1: 1:04:34
26.2: 2:28:28
* = Set in college, I rarely runs these events anymore.
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