About a month ago I took a little trip to the bay area for a fun race - Bay to Breakers 12K in San Francisco. Both of my roommates were out of the country, I was out of a job, and two old teammates live in the bay area - perfect conditions for a destination race. As competitive runners, we often take our races very seriously. And that's not necessarily a bad thing; it leads to faster and faster times. Of course, it's easy to get burnt out on endless racing; it can feel like a chore. We sometimes forget that our sport is actually a lot of fun. And that's the benefit of having a destination race every once in a while. Sure, it's still a race ...but more than that, it's a vacation. It's a novel stimulus. It's fun. That was Bay to Breakers for me. I didn't run all that great: I finished 16th in 39:58, about the same pace I went through 18 in Boston. But boy, was it an experience. Bay to Breakers has a bit of a reputation as a party that thinks it...
Inside the mind and legs of a sub-elite distance runner