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Showing posts from January, 2014

New Pages

Check out some of the new pages I just added above ^^ . In the "Racing" page, I included my tentative 2014 schedule (through June) and also my 2013 year recap. In the "Fleet Feet Ambassadors" page, I mentioned the running team I'll be with this year.

Olympic Trials Update (and Brief Running Rant)

Well, we're one step closer to knowing where the Olympic Marathon Trials will be held in 2016: they may be in Houston, they may be in Los Angeles; they definitely won't be in Cincinnati. At a conference in December, USATF went over some really confusing and political procedures for choosing the host city. ( Read the detailed report here ) While there's some debate between hosting in Houston or LA, at this point Cincinnati is out of the running (please excuse the pun). While I would love the trials to be hosted in my hometown (with the potential to race at home!), I think USATF made in the right call in dropping Cincinnati's bid. In defense of their position, USATF cited Cincinnati's lack of experience hosting elite athletes (from p.3 of the Road Race Management report, linked above). And you know what? They're right. Cincinnati's bid was spearheaded by the Flying Pig Marathon , an event that consistently does not offer prize money, comp'd entries, ...

New Year, New Coach

File this one under old news. I've been working with a  coach for the past couple months now (since November), but I'm only getting around to posting it now. For the past two years, my coach has been myself. That guy sucked, so I fired him. All joking aside, I did like being self-coached. I learned a ton, nerded out on training literature, and overall found it to be a really good experience. However, at this point I don't have the expertise to take myself where I want to go, fitness-wise. I ran some good races but many more not-so-good races; I need some outside direction to help maximize the former. So now I'm working with Randy Cox , who is probably the best and most experienced coach in the area. He's the coach of Cincinnati's EarthDrummers racing team, and many of them (including my former Xavier teammate Becky Clark) have had great success with him. In addition, he's coached two local runners in recent years to the half-marathon Olympic Trials s...

Goals 2014

*Cue obligatory New Year's Resolution post. Before I hop in on my goals for 2014, I wanted to write a quick note on goal-setting. Too often when writing goals, we focus on the wrong things, which only sets us up for disappointment. Namely, our goals are often outcome-oriented: I want to run X time or finish in Y place. Sometimes we accomplish these goals, sometimes we don't. The problem with this approach is that it limits the action time to one specific event on one specific day with many factors affecting the outcome that are out of one's immediate control (i.e., weather, competition, course conditions, etc.). We put the focus on the end result, but not on the process to achieve that end result. We hope to improve finishing time or place, but we neglect to specify the method we will use to achieve those results. Instead, goal-setting should be action-oriented. Focus on the means to reach an end. I know I want to run a certain time, so what are the everyday steps I n...