I've been on a real nutrition kick lately. I mean, not like actually eating well (yet), but more learning about how to properly fuel the body for athletic performance. Consider it the precursor to better eating habits. For most of my running career I haven't been too concerned with nutrition. And, quite frankly, for 5k and 10k performance it's not really that important. Your body can run a decent 5k off of cookies and candy. As I've been getting into marathon training, however, I'm starting to realize that everyday nutrition is much more important to your performance. Like I've told some of my friends who've also gotten into marathons, you can gut out a quality 10k, but you can't fake a marathon. Even though I'm not running a marathon in the near future, I'm certainly doing marathon training...hence the nutrition kick. So what's the difference between a 5-10k and a marathon? Without getting too scientific and complicated, it's actual...
Inside the mind and legs of a sub-elite distance runner