I love internet threads about unpopular opinions. What movie do you hate that everyone else loves? What famous author do you hate to read? While being slightly provocative, I think these types of conversations are interesting and open us up to different points of view. So without further ado, here's my unpopular running opinion: I hate that nearly every road race gives out finisher's medals to all participants. I think when everyone gets a medal, it's value becomes meaningless. I think that if everyone is a winner, then by extension no one is a winner. I think it's disgraceful that in many cases, the first-place finisher gets the same trophy as the last-place finisher. I think that not only do they encourage non-competition, but they also send a message of anti-competitiveness. I think finisher's medals embody the "everyone's a winner" attitude that is antithetical to competitive sport. I think finisher's medals are one of the reasons wh...
Inside the mind and legs of a sub-elite distance runner