"Hawaii Aloha" by The Strokes
Ok so I'm real sorry about the lack of posts recently. I don't even know if anyone reads this, but still...it turns out that working one and a half jobs and running 100 miles a week takes up a lot of time. Who knew?
Anyway, you also might be surprised how hard it was for me to find a song about Hawaii. There's one Elvis song, but I wanted one a little less cliche than that. So I found this song via Google, and it's okay I guess. I'm not a huge Strokes fan, but I do like some of their stuff.
There's a lot of Hawaiian-style songs, but not as many songs about Hawaii. I guess people are either too busy doing cool Hawaii stuff or doing nothing (which probably also counts as cool Hawaiian stuff) to write songs. That's just my theory, anyway.
Besides, if I was in Hawaii, I wouldn't be writing a song about it. I'd be committing felonies at Diamond Head.
...oh wait, that already happened?
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