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HISTORY OF RUNNING: The Best American Distance Runner You've Never Heard Of... an Ohio guy named Bob Schul.

Sure, you know all the American greats: Ryun, Shorter, Pre, Rodgers, Salazar, Joanie, Webb. Maybe you even know of some of the more obscure stars: Mills, Kastor, Lindgren, etc.

But how much do you really know about Bob Schul, the only American to ever win Olympic gold at 5,000m -- which he did while also coming into the race as the favorite and world #1 at the time?

The race that made Schul immortal was the 5,000m at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Racing the deepest field ever assembled to that point (including Ron Clarke, Bill Baillie, Harald Norpoth, Michel Jazy, Kip Keino, and Bill Dellinger -- all running royalty), Schul waited patiently through a tactical, surging and slowing 4800 meters until unleashing an incredible kick over the final lap. To beat out nine (9!) other runners in contention at the bell, Schul closed in 54.8 for 400m and an astonishing 38.7 for the final 300 meters -- as fast, if not faster, than Mo Farah's kick in London 2012. Oh, and Schul did that on a wet, soggy, chewed-up cinder track; not the pristine mondo surfaces we have today.

Over fifty years later, that kind of closing speed would still be world-class.

But what makes Schul's story so interesting from a running perspective isn't the final result, but rather how he trained to get there. It's interesting because his training was so wildly different than modern approaches to distance training.

Schul was heavily influenced (and, for a time, coached) by the Hungarian coach Mihaly Igloi, who was famous for his interval method of training. Igloi's runner would train twice a day (a short session in the morning and longer session in the afternoon) for six days a week with an easy "play" run on Sunday. Throughout the whole training session, Igloi was famous (or notorious) for keeping an eye on each individual athlete, tweaking his workout even as it progressed based on how the runner looked while running.

Igoi's training is fascinating for how different it is than seemingly anything else. (Here's a 17-page LetsRun forum on Igloi training if you really want to nerd out). While the Igloi method could get immensely complicated (probably one of the reasons it hasn't survived long-term), I'll try to boil down the key aspects here:

After a 10-20 minute warmup jog and stretching, runners would do 10 x 100m strides and then proceed into the workout for the day. Often Igloi only told his athletes what their workout was as they were doing it. Every workout consisted of bouts of running typically no further than 400 meters at a time. That's right -- distance runners, 5k and 10k guys, running no further than one lap at a time. However, these bouts would be done as multiple repetitions with short rest, and then piling on multiple sets of reps with short rest. In what today would seem like endless interval running, the entire workout could take 2-3 hours. With two sessions per day and six days per week (plus one day of off-the-track jogging), Igloi's top athletes would easily eclipse 100 miles per week...nearly all of it done in sets of short repetitions on the track!

Schul also explains that the Igloi method had a series of paces (or, rather, effort levels) to go along with the repetitions. The slowest, "Fresh," was faster than a jog but not fast enough to be really straining on the body. The next pace, "Good," is a step up from Fresh, seemingly that threshold where you just start to feel a little strain. Schul describes this as about 3/4 speed; I'd imagine it's similar to the tempo or threshold terminology we use today. Finally, there was "Hard," which would have been a 7/8 effort (probably about 5k-10k pace), or as fast as you can go while still holding your form together.

Two things about the paces really stand out to me: 1) A pace for all-out is missing. I think it's really telling that, no matter what the workout is, the goal is not to strain and run as fast as you can; rather, the goal is to run within yourself. As Lydiard would say, "train, don't strain." And 2) there aren't any specific time benchmarks for these efforts. In fact, Schul emphasizes that it's the effort that matters, not the time.

Here's a sample Igloi-style workout, copy+pasted from Schul's site:
"TUESDAY, 1 1/2 mile jog, stretch (8-10 minutes), 1 1/2 mile jog, stretch, 10 X 100 meters (fresh), 5 x 200 meters (fresh)(50 meter walk), lap jog, stretch, 8 x 100 meters (fresh), 5 X 300 meters (2 fresh, 1 good build up, 2 fresh.(55 meter walk)(If you are on a track, walk across the field.) (normally written 2fr, 1gbup) It is understood that you repeat. If I had said 6 times then you would have run a good build up on number six. In the case stated you would have repeated the two fresh only. lap jog, stretch, 8 X 100 meters (fresh), 9 X 160 meters. (2 fr, 1 gbup)(40 meter walk) This time you are repeating three times. , lap jog, 10 X 100 meters(shake-up) A term I use which means very easy, shaking the arms to your sides at times so you completely relax and the heart-rate returns to a lower rate. I do not write the "shake-ups" in the workout as they are understood to be done as the last thing you do. Everyone does the same warm-up and the initial 10 x 100 (fresh). Therefore I will not write them down anymore. Also everyone does the jog lap and the 8 X 100 meters (fresh) between sets, so it is now understood and I will not write it down any more either. 
Therefore this workout will be written as (5 x 200) (fresh)(50 meter walk), (5 X 300)(2 fr, 1gbup)(55 meter walk), (9 X 160)(2fr, 1 gbup)(40 meter walk)"
Not complicated at all, right? /s

One of the drawbacks to this type of training (of which there are many) is that it is so complicated it's hardly repeatable. That said, it did lead to some amazing results.

Schul winning the 1964 Tokyo 5,000m. Fellow American Bill Dellinger was 3rd. Notice how wet it is.

So what lessons can we learn from this, even if the training is outdated?

1) Don't be afraid to try something new in training. I think we often get stuck into the habit of routine, and while that may lead to consistency and regular improvement, it can also lead to staleness and burnout. If something's not working for you, then try something different -- even if it is an unconventional approach. I believe there are still international elite-level runners who train this way (maybe Duane Solomon? But don't quote me on that), so if you're curious for something new (that's also something old), dabbling in this type of approach may be worth try. Even if it's not Igloo-style interval training, going against the grain isn't necessarily something to be afraid of.

2) Forget about pace and focus on effort. In an age of GPS watches and Stava competition segments and all that technology stuff, what's striking is the reliance on effort over pace. Even though the whole workout session is conducted on a clearly measured track, and timing your pace would presumably be fairly straightforward, there's still more of an emphasis training at the correct effort rather than trying to hit specified paces. While Igloi and Lydiard training methods may be diametrically opposed, they do share this same principle: training at the correct effort is more important than training at prescribed pace. Learn to listen to your body, not the watch.

So that's Bob Schul in a nutshell. It's all so fascinating I could go on and on, but I think the LetsRun link I had posted earlier has that covered. As an Ohio guy myself, I'd love to see Schul get some more appreciation.

Previous edition(s) of the HISTORY OF RUNNING can be found here:


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